Fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition - FISSN

What is the FISSN? - The FISSN stands for Fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. It designates those individuals who have outstanding contributions to the goals and objectives of ISSN and the field of sports nutrition in general.

What is the purpose of earning the Fellow status of ISSN?

  • To acknowledge professional achievement and service to ISSN
  • To encourage continued professional development and service to ISSN

What are the objectives of the Fellowship Program?

  • To acknowledge distinguished professional achievement in research and/or service in the field of sports nutrition
  • To acknowledge distinguished service to the ISSN
  • To encourage continued service to the ISSN in a leadership role

If I earn the FISSN, how do I maintain it?

  • Must attend an ISSN Conference at least once every two years as well as keep an active membership.
  • Must provide consistent support of the goals and objectives of the ISSN.
  • Make good faith efforts to publish in JISSN.

In order to earn the honor of Fellow, it is highly recommended that the candidate accomplish all, but not limited to, the following criteria:

  • Have received a diploma (at least a M.S./M.A. level, preferably doctorate from an accredited college or university in one of the following fields: Medicine, Exercise Science, Nutrition, Health, Physical Education, or Related Biological Science.
  • Terminal Degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., M.D., D.O., etc.) applicants can apply for Fellow status after five consecutive years of membership.
  • Master's Degree applicants can apply for Fellow status after seven consecutive years of membership.
  • Has earned the CISSN credential.
  • Shall have been a member of ISSN for at least four consecutive years at the time of the application for Fellow.
  • Distinguished service in sports nutrition for a minimum of two years, which may include: Team sports nutritionist, teaching sports nutrition at the college level, non-refereed publications in popular press magazines on sports nutrition.
  • Publication of at least three papers as first author and at least ten papers as a co-author on a sports nutrition topic in peer-reviewed journals. Of these publications, at least two of them must be in JISSN.
  • At least one book chapter publication related to sports nutrition.
  • Perform at least five presentations at international and/or national conferences on relevant sports nutrition topics.
  • Show record of service specific to the ISSN. These include but are not limited to: President, Vice-President, Student Representative, Volunteer Staff for the Conference, Presentation(s) at the ISSN Conference, etc.
  • Shall serve as regular reviewer of the JISSN, www.jissn.com 
  • Shall have attended at least four national meetings of the ISSN within the last five years (i.e., if you apply in 2016, then you will had to attend at least four of the prior five national conferences). (See list of Conference sites below).
  • Shall have submitted current curriculum vitae which details your professional involvement in the ISSN, the field of sports nutrition, educational background and research accomplishments.
  • Must list at least three Fellows of ISSN as a reference.
  • Members who may not meet the above listed requirements exactly but have demonstrated exemplary contributions to the ISSN will be considered.

List of ISSN Conferences

  1. 2004 - Henderson NV (Lake Las Vegas)
  2. 2005 - New Orleans LA
  3. 2006 - Las Vegas NV (Stardust)
  4. 2007 - Las Vegas NV (Flamingo)
  5. 2008 - Las Vegas NV (Red Rocks)
  6. 2009 - New Orleans LA
  7. 2010 - Clearwater Beach FL (Hilton)
  8. 2011 - Las Vegas NV (Westin)
  9. 2012 - Clearwater Beach FL (Hilton)
  10. 2013 - Colorado Springs CO (Antlers Hilton)
  11. 2014 - Clearwater Beach FL (Hilton)
  12. 2015 - Austin TX (Hilton)
  13. 2016 - Clearwater Beach FL (Hilton)
  14. 2017 - Phoenix AZ (Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort)
  15. 2018 - Clearwater Beach FL (Hilton)
  16. 2019 - Las Vegas NV (Tropicana)
  17. 2020 - Daytona Beach FL (Hilton Oceanfront)
  18. 2021 - St. Petersburg FL (Hilton Bayfront)
  19. 2022 - Fort Lauderdale Beach FL (Westin)


What is the process for advancement to Fellow Status?

The process for advancement to Fellow status involves the following steps:

  • The candidate files an application with ISSN any time during the year.
  • The ISSN (at least 3 current FISSN) will review the application to ensure that all required materials are included (Complete a checklist to ensure all materials are submitted).
  • The Fellowship Committee evaluates applications based on the submission package, and makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors concerning advancement. The final evaluation is the responsibility of the Board of Directors.

How do you maintain Fellow Status?

  • Must attend an ISSN Conference at least once every two years as well as keep an active membership.
  • Must provide consistent support of the goals and objectives of the ISSN.
  • Make good faith efforts to publish in JISSN.

How do I apply for the FISSN?

All applicants are required to submit via email the following:

  • 1. Make sure your ISSN membership is paid up to three years in advance of the application. That is, if you are applying in 2016, your membership expires in 2019.
  • 2. Submit curriculum vita and provide the information required below. 
  • 3. List at least 2 current ISSN Fellows as references.  Email this info to: Dr. Jose Antonio at  [email protected]  

International Society of Sports Nutrition Application for Fellow

Please provide the following information on a separate document.  If information is on CV, please state see CV for information

Email all of your material to:  [email protected]  


Highest Degree Earned (to be awarded is not sufficient):

Date Received:

Year joined ISSN

ISSN National Meetings attended in the last five years:  Please list location and date.

List the two ISSN Fellows who are your references.

Education (List most recent degree first):


Post-Graduate Experiences, Special Certifications, etc.


Professional Experience

Service to the International Society of Sports Nutrition.  Service to sports nutrition science is required of all ISSN Fellow candidates in order to be eligible for advancement.  In the event that a candidate does not have service to ISSN then exceptional service to the broader sports nutrition community will be considered. Please list service (ISSN) and years. (Please provide documentation).


List your professional publications, including at least two that are first author listed and have been published in viable peer-reviewed journals. List authors, title, journal, volume, pages, and year. Attach three reprints (or copies) of two scientific publications which best represent your work, where you are the first author listed.


Describe your clinical and/or professional practice involving sports nutrition. Provide an estimate of the number of hours-spent working in sports nutrition and the percentage of your total time spent in sports nutrition practice.

After reviewing the Purpose and Objectives of the Fellow program, describe in 100 words or less why you would like to be an ISSN Fellow and why you should be approved for advancement to Fellow status.

If advanced to Fellowship in ISSN, specifically how do you intend to display your dedication to the goals and long-range activities of ISSN? For example, on which Committees would you like to serve? How might you best serve regionally. Be as specific as possible.

Our Current List of FISSN

  • Jose Antonio PhD FISSN*^
  • Shawn Arent PhD FISSN
  • Erik Bustillo MS RD FISSN
  • Bill Campbell PhD FISSN
  • Darren Candow PhD FISSN
  • Rick Collins Esq. FISSN
  • Guillermo Escalante DSc FISSN
  • Arny Ferrando PhD FISSN
  • Scott Forbes PhD FISSN
  • Sue Graves PhD FISSN
  • Mike Greenwood PhD FISSN#
  • Roger Harris PhD FISSN#*
  • Ralf Jager PhD FISSN
  • Lia Jiannine PhD FISSN
  • Douglas Kalman PhD RD FISSN^
  • Chad Kerksick PhD FISSN
  • Susan Kleiner PhD RD FISSN^
  • Richard Kreider PhD FISSN*^
  • Hector Lopez MD FISSN#
  • Mike Ormsbee PhD FISSN
  • Corey Peacock PhD FISSN
  • Tony Ricci DSc FISSN
  • Gabe Sanders PhD FISSN
  • David Sandler MS FISSN
  • Arlene Semeco MS RD FISSN
  • Liza Scott MS RD FISSN
  • Abbie Smith-Ryan PhD FISSN
  • Jeff Stout PhD FISSN
  • Jaime Tartar PhD FISSN
  • Lem Taylor PhD FISSN
  • Trisha VanDusseldorp PhD FISSN
  • Shawn Wells MS RD FISSN
  • Colin Wilborn PhD FISSN
  • Robert Wildman PhD RD FISSN
  • Darryn Willoughby PhD FISSN
  • Tim Ziegenfuss PhD FISSN

*Lifetime Achievement Award


^ Founder

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* Sponsorship of the ISSN does not constitute endorsement, implicit or otherwise, of the sponsor's products, literature or any related items by the ISSN.

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