Call For Sponsorships

Sponsorship Information

For more information in sponsoring the ISSN National Conference and Expo, contact Jose Antonio, Ph.D. at [email protected] or 561-239-1754.

Note: There are no refunds on sponsorships

Note: U.S. Tax Deduction: Income tax deduction may be allowed for educational expenses undertaken to maintain and improve professional skills. This includes registration, travel, meals, lodging and related expenses [U.S. Treasury Regulation 1.162-5].

Under IRS Tax Codes and Laws, donations and Unrestricted Educational Grants made to The ISSN, may be tax deductible and or tax-creditable. Please check with your Accountant for the proper classification. See these following Links for more information:

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Link 4:

Why should you sponsor The ISSN?

  • The International Society of Sports Nutrition is a non-profit professional organization committed exclusively to the advancement and improvement of sports nutrition research and practice.
  • The ISSN provides a forum for leadership and exchange of information to stimulate discussion and collaboration among sports nutritionists active in all aspects of the profession.
  • The ISSN provides a forum to educate the interested individuals about role of nutrition on exercise and sports performance through and accurate assessment, interpretation and discussion of available scientific and medical information studies
  • The ISSN serves to encourage the private and public sectors to support research to evaluate the potential role of nutrition on exercise, performance, and health.
  • The ISSN sets the standards for sports nutritionists through its ISSN approved curricula in Universities and Colleges throughout the United States.
  • The ISSN provides an excellent networking opportunity for industry representatives, scientists, students, and anyone interested in sports nutrition.
  • The ISSN is the future of sports nutrition

Note:  "Sponsorship of the ISSN does not constitute endorsement, implicit or otherwise, of the sponsor's products, literature or any related items by the ISSN."

Wild Field HealthThe Wonderful CompanyNutraboltMedTechFortifeyeHIDOWID MEDICAL DEVICESUMHBInnovative Food TechLevelleGuzenIPBBEAR BALANCEDShiftedIOVATEAstarealGBR MEDICALNutrihealthCREATEGelitainformed sportSTRONG SCIENCEOsage foodd9 designsPure Vita LabsMAYPRONURAGiftedGPNiNutraingredients USAInformed ChoiceCreapureTSI Inc.

* Sponsorship of the ISSN does not constitute endorsement, implicit or otherwise, of the sponsor's products, literature or any related items by the ISSN.

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