ISSN - Conference Call for Speakers

Apply for the 22st Annual Conference and Expo to be held in Delray Beach Florida, June 23-25, 2025. Please note that it is a Mon-Wed schedule).

Deadline to apply: Feb 28, 2025

Where: Delray Beach Opal Grand Resort, 10 N Ocean Blvd. Delray Beach, Florida 33483 USA

When is this amazing conference?  June 23-25, 2025  (note: it is a Mon-Wed schedule).
If you wish to be considered to be a presenter, you must provide the following information and email it to Dr. Chad Kerksick at [email protected] and Dr. Jose Antonio at [email protected]
General information about the Oral Presentations (i.e., Tutorials).
1) The tutorials are 10-30 minutes in length (exceptions include: Keynote, President's lecture, and lectures sponsored by the Title Sponsor; those are variable). 
2) Please note that we prefer original data presented by scientists/students from that laboratory group; however, noteworthy tutorials will also be considered.
3) Day 3 has also has Brief Communications; these are 10 minute lectures with a 5-min Q and A. These are for students only.
Note:  The expenses of each speaker  (i.e. hotel, travel, honorarium, etc) are usually not covered by ISSN unless you are specifically sponsored by a company. Registration is complimentary for speakers.
Email the following information:
  • A brief bio (50 words)
  • Recent Headshot
  • A 200 word summary of the talk - Please list any Conflicts of Interest, Sponsors, etc.
  • Please also provide 5 scientific references that support your talk.

Conflicts/Disclosures of Interest:

In accordance with the guidelines on conflict of interest of ISSN, all authors and presenters are required to indicate if they have a relationship that, in the context of the subject matter and content of their submission, could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest. This pertains to relationships with dietary supplement, pharmaceutical, food, beverage, or cosmetic ingredient and/or finished goods manufacturers and/or marketers, biomedical/analytical device manufacturers, contract manufacturers, contract laboratories, inventor/co-inventorship of a patent pending or issued, or with other corporations whose products or services are related in any way to the subject matter and content of the submission.

Disclosure is to include any relationship that may bias one's submission or which, if known, could give the perception of bias. Such relationships include, but are not limited to, employment  by or receipt of research funds from an industrial concern, ownership of stock, membership on a standing advisory council, committee, or board of directors, authorship of a book of related title/topic, or being publicly associated with a company or its products or services. Other areas of real or perceived conflicts of interest could include receiving honoraria or consulting fees, receipt of gifts, gratuities, loans or special favors (including trips or speaker's fees), or receiving equipment in or out of the context of a research grant from such corporations or individuals representing such corporations.  

If you have any conflicts of interest, please denote that in the acknowledgements.



Wild Field HealthThe Wonderful CompanyNutraboltMedTechFortifeyeHIDOWID MEDICAL DEVICESUMHBInnovative Food TechLevelleGuzenIPBBEAR BALANCEDShiftedIOVATEAstarealGBR MEDICALNutrihealthCREATEGelitainformed sportSTRONG SCIENCEOsage foodd9 designsPure Vita LabsMAYPRONURAGiftedGPNiNutraingredients USAInformed ChoiceCreapureTSI Inc.

* Sponsorship of the ISSN does not constitute endorsement, implicit or otherwise, of the sponsor's products, literature or any related items by the ISSN.

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